Stadri Stats
Role at Stadri: Graphic Artist
Additional Details: Jon is a member of the art department, where he creates digital renditions of custom patches for customer review.
Length of Time at Company: 6 Years
Favorite Thing About Jon's Role at Stadri:
The art department is filled with people that are very experienced in the field. It makes it easy to ask another artist for help or pointers to make things go smoother on a project.
Personal Bio: Jon has an Associates and Bachelors Degree in Graphic Design and Computer Art. He loves watching hockey and even more so loves playing hockey on the street or on the ice. He enjoys hanging out with his friends whether it's playing them in a game or taking a random road trip.
Interests: Hockey, video games, taking pictures, cars, sports, food, and music.
Favorite Activities: Playing ice/street hockey, taking long drives, going to sporting events with friends.
Random Questions
What was your first job? I worked at place called GameStop where I sold video games and informed customers about anything game or console related.Name a place in the world you would like to visit more than any other. Japan, it has a little bit of everything to experience.
What is your dream car? Lexus LFA. It has everything a super car should have: speed, looks, and attention to detail.
Name a food that repulses you. Anchovies . . . yuck!
Movie: Any of the Mighty Ducks moviesTV Show: Hell's Kitchen, Futurama
Band: Blink 182, Rise Against
Album: Eve 6 – Horoscope
Book: Steven King's Dark Tower series
Sports Team: New Jersey Devils, New York Giants
Color: Red
Art Medium: Digital
Animal: Turtle
Food: Chicken Parmesan
Quote: "The computer is mightier than the pen, the sword, and, usually, the artist."
This or That?
Summer or Winter? Winter: snowball fights, snowboarding, and outdoor hockey. What else do you need?Tea or Coffee? Neither, Ice Mocha Lattes for life.
Pizza or Cheeseburgers? Pizza
Music or TV? TV