Stadri Stats
Role at Stadri: Sales Executive
Additional Details: Amy works with customers and manages their orders from the initial placement of the order until it goes into production.
Length of Time at Company: 5 Years
Favorite Thing About Diana's Role at Stadri:
Seeing changes made to customers' artwork that make the patches come out better than expected.
Personal Bio: Amy is an artistic individual that loves being outside, helping others, and spending time with family and friends.
Interests: Baking, nature, sports, and drawing
Favorite Activities: Shopping, walking, cleaning, and finding four leaf clovers
Random Questions
What was your first job? A dishwasherWhat was the last book you read?The Biography of Jim Henson
Name a food that repulses you. Onions
Do you collect anything? I have over 1,500 four leaf clovers
Movie: Dumb and DumberTV Show: 2 Stupid Dogs
Band: Linkin Park
Book:The Grown Up Day by Jack Kent
Sports Team: NY Giants and NJ Devils
Art Medium: Colored Pencil
Flower: Fuchsia
Food: Green Olives
This or That?
Summer or Winter? SummerTea or Coffee?Tea with honey
Pizza or Cheeseburgers? Pizza
Music or TV? Music
City or Country? Country
A quiet evening at home or a night out on the town? A Night at home