Sustainable Resources is different from the majority of charities out there today. Working primarily in Malawi and Kenya, their aim is not necessarily to provide ongoing financial support, but rather, to be a technical and educational resource and to provide start-up assistance.
We made patches for the Quadriciser! The Quadriciser is a passive, isometric, motorized therapy machine that offers hope to many individuals unable to use conventional equipment.
Wilderness Medicine Outfitters uses custom embroidered patches as tools of recognition for its thousands of students, with most of them being placed on Back Country Care Givers packs and jackets.
The appropriately named Miss Monster commissioned Stadri to create an embroidered patch representing the Cthulhu’s status as octopus, dragon, and human caricature.
A scouting group for those who wish to become better stewards of the environment, Urban Land Scouts are a catalyst for thinking about an individual's interaction to nature.